So, it’s been a day. (And if you’re still reading this on the night of Tuesday, 9/6, please know that the 24-hour kindle, nook and ebook downlaod will expire now. Moving forward we’ll be breaking down the lists more to avoid oerlap.)

There was my Washington Post article, the CBS’ What’s Trending with @shiralazar, the Beth Kanter and Stanford Social Innovation Review blogs, the webinar, the many kind blog posts and reviews…and the tweets, oh the tweets. It appears at first blush that more than 2,000 of you retweeted about #Twitter4Good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And, in the midst of it all, I had meetings here in LA. Come high afternoon, when @BryGuyStyle and I met up (the lovely @RickiLake in absentia), we headed to a restaurant for some iced coffee and wine. Entering, Bryan tells me to see how the friendly paparazzi are following.

Who? Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi.

So, totally cool and collected, we sit, chat, and enjoy the air conditioned Italian place. Then, as we’re leaving, Bryan poses the challenge: Go give her your book. It’s a sign.

We huddle about this for a bit too long. My initial reactions of shock (who me! a book! noooo!) melting to potential intrigue at the challenge and eventually landing on, “It can’t hurt!”

Alas, we had to the car, grab a book I had stashed, and I do a quick signing. Book in hand, I charge in (pleasantly), walk up to the table, and proceed to tell Ellen and Portia (twice) that I am “sorry for ruining their dinner”. Ellen, charming as can be, smiles, introduces Portia, and they both grin as the pleasant and beautiful life specimens they are. There were a number of other sentences exchanged, and they blur together in a den of mirth in my mind. It was, in short, loverly. I make my exit, assuring Ellen that I would love to be her personal concierge, for dancing and the like. In all, she seemed so kind, deeply kind, and I fear she looks at me like the small, lost child scared by the pretty faces.

The inscription, you ask? What did I write in Ellen’s shiny new copy of Twitter for Good?

To Ellen,

Because I saw you in a restaurant (and other things)




She said she’d call if she had questions, so I’ll be waiting.