And the technology gods have struck again.

Today, I had the fine task in front of me of presenting some work stuff for a small group via a Google Plus hangout. I do not have the best history with Google Plus, but was eager to work with her to put aside our differences so that I could enjoy the magic of the hangout — supposedly one of the best things going on over at Google Plus these days (I hear).

The task — login to Google Plus — seemed simple enough (especially given that according to Google’s user metrics I’ve been “logged in” for three months while I’ve really just been checking my email.)

It was when I really clicked over to the Google Plus thingy at the top right of my Gmail inbox, though, the fun started.

First off, I apparently was not allowed to get into a hangout with a company email address. I didn’t know this, so switched to my personal Gmail.

Then, the hangout I was supposed to join didn’t appear. I clicked some things, and had a gchat going with someone who had successfully logged in.

Then it appeared, and I clicked to get me in. Alas, I was not successful. I did get several dozen nice popups telling me about troubleshooting hangouts, though.

When my aimless clicking didn’t work, I got out the big guns and did things like: read the FAQ page on Google Plus hangouts, uninstall and reinstalled the thingy that you need to install to make hangouts work, and moaned outloud and to anyone who would listen.

Then, Google Plus got sick of me, and said they were done trying to help.

In sum, this image accurately depicts my feelings regarding my experience trying to enter my first google plus hangout.

From everything I’ve heard, the real boon of Google Plus is the hangouts. Unfortunately, as the above blog post thoroughly explains (with screenshots!) I do not have a positive story about google plus hanging out to relate.

Have you been more successful in your Google Plus hangout quest?