Hello from an increasingly autumnal Southern hemisphere.

In a few days, I’ll be flying up North. North being a place I haven’t been in a year, because, amazingly, I haven’t been on a PLANE in a whole entire YEAR.

(There is a lot of capitalization in that sentence.)

Since I started flying as a kid, this is the longest I’ve gone without the obnoxious buzz of a jet engine. But hey, #twinpregnancy and #preemies and #twins can do a doozy on your travel life. Alas, Executive Platinum on American Airlines I was not, in 2016.

So here’s the thing: Next week, I start traveling again.

And I start it with a bang, spending three of the four weeks of May on the road, occasionally with a child in tow. It’s all happening because I’ve got a lot going on right now, and when I have a lot going on it seems that travel comes along with it.

First there’s a big book coming out. One Minute Mentoring: How to Find and Work with a Mentor – and Why You’ll Benefit from Being One, which I wrote with Ken Blanchard of The One Minute Manager fame, publishes on May 2. Then the next week I’m kicking off a big online event that I’ll be officially announcing in a couple days (but see a sneak peek preview here).

Over the years, I have found that whenever I have the most stuff happening in life is also when the bad voice in my head is the loudest. The compare and despair voice. The “you prolly can’t do it” voice. The “her Instagram looks really pretty because her kids’ wardrobes aren’t made up entirely of the spoils of your mother’s obsession with Goodwill” voice.

This is a voice I hate, and the voice that plagues me. It’s the voice that I’ve had bumping around between my ears for most of my life, in different fashions, and it’s one I’m always working to keep at bay.

Here is one way I’m trying to keep it at bay, of late:

There’s a phrase bumping around the internet that I’ve heard a few times, and I’m liking it more and more with each repetition. At this point, I’m pretty confident someone has it tattooed on them somewhere, and, while I’m not at that point, I applaud those who are.

That phrase?


Let’s unpack it. First off, I believe we don’t have to call it a RACE, per say. It could be a non-competitive stroll, I think. And we don’t have to RUN it. I’m sure walking is fine.

But the idea is that you have a life, and you’re living that one. Not someone else’s. And so to make your life the best it can be it’s all about sticking your head (mostly) down and doing YOUR thing. Not looking around constantly to see where everyone else is doing and how far ahead or far behind they are and then stopping and twisting some dandelion stems as you ruminate on why they definitely don’t look like they are losing all their hair post-pregnancy and why they don’t dress their children in mismatching Goodwill finds. (Not that I’ve done that.)

It’s a short phrase that can mean a lot, and help folks like me guide me to back to center.

So that’s it.

What can you do to run your race?

Tell me below.