One day last week, I got an email from the assistant of someone I know and respect very highly. The email was asking me to do something. A close reader would’ve realized that it would take more than 5 minutes (actually 20 to 40 times as long), but I didn’t read it closely. Instead, I just said yes.

Because the assistant was the assistant of one of my Yes People.

My Yes People, in case it’s murky, are people I say yes to.

Not because their ask fits within my personal goals. Not because I have endless time. Not because I have boundless energy. And not because I don’t have lots of other things going on, like a small child underfoot or an inbox to faint over.

The Yes People are people you say yes to because that’s the way it is.

They invite you to jump, and you jump. High. They ask you to do a favor and you do it. Stat. They need advice and you tell them all you know.

There are many reasons for doing so. She is your BFF, say. He is your casual friend, otherwise known as the President of the United States. She is hurting and needs help in this season. He helped you out at a dark time in your life and you’ll have his back forever.

The point, though, is not to dig deep and unpack why they are your Yes People, because honestly most of us can feel it in our bones if someone is one of those people for us (and why bother wasting brainpower on things you know in your bones, right?). The point, really, is to know you have them, figure out who they are, and then memorize the short list. That way, when those people come to you and ask you for something, you don’t have to think.

You know the answer.

Yes People are a good thing. Having Yes People might really be one of the best things. So figure out who yours are and hold them close. Shower them with glitter, and never say No.