Trolls aside, things are going well in my inbox this honeymoon. If “well” means hundreds and hundreds of solicited requests for advanced copies of Twitter for Good or information on the Twitter for Good Surprise Party (where you give free books to your friends).

It’s now time to throw another into the ring.

Are You Interested in Interviewing Me About Twitter for Good?

Let’s say you’re a cool person with an opinion who might like to ask a few questions about Twitter for Good and then post those questions on your blog for people who might find it useful. I’d love to chat with you.

To keep things manageable and (more) scalable, I’ll prioritize written interview questions over phone/podcast ones.

If you’ve got a blog and fancy this, fill out the form below, including a) your questions and b) your blog name. Think creatively on the questions — what would your readers want to know?

The only stipulation?

You (hopefully) post the interview on your blog on September 6 — the launch day for Twitter for Good. If you don’t, that’s cool too. But a girl’s gotta dream.

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]