This is a guest post from the awesome Mary DeMuth. I love the concept of “restory”, and can’t wait to start throwing the word around as a verb in wild abandon.



I had great plans for the year.

I read Claire’s latest book, Design Your Day, determined to change the way I ordered my day. It was both inspirational and practical, and I set out to be AWESOME!

Two things you need to know about my background:

Thing One: Last summer, I changed my message from Live Uncaged to Restory. Restory now better represents the new direction in my life, away from simply being healed from a painful past (uncaged) to helping others discover their paths (restore).

Thing Two: I’ve often had a word for the year. In November, I sensed that 2016’s word would be subtraction. Why? Why? I wanted ABUNDANCE or JOY. But subtraction?

So in the midst of trying to create new habits on my path to awesome, our family experienced both a restory moment and a huge subtraction interruption involving jobs and the loss therein.

“Hey, thanks for the word SUBTRACTION,” my husband said, his wry, dry sense of humor fully intact.

So here we are in the midst of being restoried and subtracted from, and my plans for awesome have fallen by the wayside.

Isn’t that how life is sometimes? We move in a cool direction, but then a crazy plot twist interrupts our stories and we have to adjust.

That’s the theme of the Restory Show on iTunes. I find it highly ironic that it launched in the midst of our own restorying process—almost as if the show dared me to actually live all this! (Cue laughter).

My heart in this show is to highlight the lives of people you probably don’t know who have undergone their own subtractions, their own restories, and have come through beautifully on the other side. There are no platitudes. No cliché. Just raw storytelling—kind of like how mine feels today.

I’ll jump back on Claire’s awesome plan very soon after I lick my wounds and discern what’s next. I might just eat a few too many molten chocolate cakes (not from Whole 30) as I process.

In the meantime, may your restory journey be sweet and smooth, and may your days be ordered and awesome.

And, always ask yourself: Do you need to Restory your life?