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Interested in setting annual goals? Every December, Michael Hyatt opens up his popular course, Best Year Ever. I highly recommend it. Watch three FREE videos from him about goal-setting here.

A new year means a new word to define it.

Never heard of this concept?

Here’s the deal:

Last year I read somewhere (I think it was the awesome Gretchen Rubin’s Happier at Home) that choosing one word as a goalpost for the year ahead was a great way to catalyze the way you want your year to be. In honor of that idea, I came up with my word last year: REST.

I didn’t do perfectly, but I did do well. (Some medical problems in my pregnancy helped to force me to do this as well.) What was also interesting to me throughout the year was the number of people who had read about my word of the year and commented on it when they saw me — or, even better, mentioned it when they were asking me to do something! A number of times I received a note or call along the lines of, “I know you said your word of the year was REST, but I was wondering if you could…”

This alone let me know that something about this concept of publicly setting out my word for the year ahead was working. Not just for me, but for others around me to know what my priorities were.

This year, with great deliberation, I’ve got a new word in play.

Ready for it?


Now, there are a few reasons for this word choice. Firstly, I’ll be going through some big changes in 2014. Best of all is that after a long medical journal, my husband and I are delighted to be finally welcome a sweet babe this Spring. For me, 2014 is a year I’ve waited a long time for, and I couldn’t be more excited. With babies come changes, though, and thinking about the ways that our lives will change with a little one is probably a good enough reason to choose RENEW as my word of the year.

But that’s not all. I’m also choosing RENEW because I feel that, although I wasn’t perfect in my attempts to REST in 2013, I did do a pretty good job, dramatically reducing my travel schedule, working hard to say NO a heck of a lot more, and generally trying to find more balance in life. With RENEW, I’ll be focusing a lot more on that balance. I’ll be working on how I can — in both my professional and personal lives — more carefully choose what projects I’ll take on in order to ensure that I maintain a home and work life that is regularly highlighted by a state of low blood pressure.

Importantly, my word of the year – RENEW – works well with my new book, Greater Expectations, which brings together many of these concepts I’ll be working hard to bring to fruition in my own life in 2014. 

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 2.26.14 PMIs your word of the year also something along the lines of RENEW? Or BALANCE? Or REST? If so, Greater Expectations: Succeed (and Stay Sane), in an On-Demand, All-Access, Always-On Age, might be right up your alley. It’s a tactical tome sharing both information, statistics and stories about what digital overwhelm means in our modern life, and a primer for getting you to keep said overwhelm at bay. 

Check it out here. 



Okay — pretty please — tell me. What’s your word of the year?