I’ve been listening via Audiobook to Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content, a book on free-writing that I’m not sure why it took me so long to find. I am devouring this thing. (As much as you can devour an audio book, I suppose).

If I remember correctly, I got this thing free — or nearly free — and basically only pressed play on it because I didn’t have any other book synched to my iphone and I was feeling temporarily bored with my favorite podcasts.

And then, my mind blew open.

Because, this book (this short book, I might add) is smart. As I come to its last (short, did I say that already?) chapter, I’m pretty much thinking that this here is a darn good business book that doesn’t get enough billing. People should read this. Hear me?!

People who want to use the written word to improve their thinking, that is. Because that’s what the book is about, really. It might sound like it’s about the craft of writing, but it’s really not. Oh yes, you’ll learn all kinds of ways to get unblocked and to get the words flowing and turn crappy freewriting into gold, but what you’ll really learn is how to think. 

How to think by writing.

How to make good choices by writing.

How to figure out your life by writing.

Because what it’s really about is figuring out your life. Figuring out decisions you have to make. And figuring out how to use the written word to help you make those decisions.

When I say “written word” I don’t mean anything fancy. I mean you, a pen, a computer, and a made up character or two (yes, those are strategies recommended in the book).

Got something you need figured out? Try the book.

Have you read it? Did you love it? Or did you hate it and now think I’m crazy?