“Every single Thursday, I quit something.” – Bob Goff


My friend, Bob Goff, is crazy. In an amazing way, of course.

He is one of the most accomplished people I have ever met. He runs a law firm and a non-profit organization (yes, both), serves as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda (yes, really), and is the NYT bestselling author of Love Does, I book I can’t recommend more highly. But the best part about Bob? He seems to enjoy life more than most. Stress? Anxiety? Worry? I’m sure he has all three, but it’s hard to see. He is happy. And kind. And comes up with wild capers that he involves others in that changes hearts and lives. Meeting Bob changed my life. He’s that kind of guy.

Obviously there are many reasons for Bob’s incredible success in life, but one of the ones I like most is his passion for a particularly strange habit: quitting one thing every Thursday.

He calls it Quit Thursday, and it’s as easy as it sounds. Every Thursday, Bob quits one thing. And you, too, can follow suit.

The idea, of course, is that we’re all doing things we don’t need to be doing. Things that zap our energy and passion and crowd our lives so much that we can’t do the amazing things we should be putting all our passions into.

Today is Thursday, so I bet you know what I’m going to ask.

What can you quit today?

What is one thing you can throw out of your life for good that will help you be happier, more focused, more fulfilled, and better able to accomplish what your real calling in life is? Because that’s the thing you need to quit today.

Some tips on thinking of a good thing to quit on your first Quit Thursday:

  • Go with your gut
  • Don’t go too big
  • Don’t over-think it

So, what will you quit today?