When I wrote my recent popular post, Five Reasons to Be A Morning Person, I could not have envisioned I would then go ahead and write the exact opposite article a week later. But alas, my mother had other ideas.

When she received my newsletter in her email inbox (you have signed up, haven’t you?) extolling the benefits of being a morning person, she reacted.


Seeking to defend her species (read: The Night Owl), she sent me a comprehensive list of five reasons to be a night owl. Since some of the comments on the the morning person post brought out such reactions from some of you, I’m hoping that my mother’s words will help everyone see the benefits of living like the other half.

Many folks who are well known as productive, influential leaders do swear by their late night hours. Not only because their bodies have them singing at such hours, but also because they – like my mother – believe that the quiet and stillness of those hours in particular leads to great work. (One recent might owl I stumbled across is professional blogger and podcaster Pat Flynn, of The Smart Passive Income Blog.)

Ultimately, many of my mother’s words focus on the exact sense of stillness and quiet that morning people generally believe is theirs. As I think we can all agree, night owls can have it also.

  1. You can take night walks and the air smells so good, like jasmine sometimes, and it very still outside with lots of stars.
  2. It is quiet in the house and you can read or watch late night talk shows and laugh a lot.
  3. It costs less to run your appliances at night like your washing machine and your dishwasher.
  4. The phone isn’t ringing.
  5. You don’t have to worry about people being nicer or not, because there are no people around.
If you’re a night owl, now’s your time to tell us how you create productivity in those night time hours. What do you do in the wee hours to get you on top of the next day?