Why I Live-Tweeted My Daughter’s Birth

A funny thing happened on the fourth of April. I woke up, pregnant, and had a good day. Some work, some play, some rest. In close to a month I’d be having a baby, and I was settling into that stretch of pregnancy where you are uncomfortably large and eager for it all...
The Best Career and Business Apps

The Best Career and Business Apps

The other day I was talking with my friend, Cassie. Well, whining, really. Cassie calls herself a “freelance digital strategist” – a term I love – which basically means she is smart about the internet. I was in a bad mood, and was wailing to...

My Referral Key Experiment

It’s been a few months since I first wrote about Referral Key, and the comments don’t stop coming to that now-popular post. The Referral Key main guy (founder or ceo or something that escaped me) also weighed in with his highly unbiased opinion. Given the...