As part of my once-a-month email blitz wherein I blast through emails while slurping large amounts of decaffeinated mochas (a luxury, for moi) to reduce my respective inboxes down to below 100, I found some tidbits of useful gold.
Here’s a list of useful Twitter webpages that can help you do everything from file a ticket to the Twitter Support team when you’re having a problem, chat with other developers about what they are doing on the Twitter platform, and even look at pictures of what employee won the last Halloween costume contest.
- Twitter Company Blog:
- Twitter Status Blog:
- Twitter Engineering blog: http://engineering. - Twitter Development Talk: http://groups. development-talk?pli=1 - Twitter’s Flickr Page:
twitteroffice - Twitter’s Terms of Service (ToS):
- The Twitter Rules: http://support.twitter.
com/articles/18311-the- twitter-rules
In case you’re wondering, this is the type of email that I kept starred in my inbox (i.e. did not archive) — so it is now officially one of 99 emails I deem important enough for daily viewing.
In case you’re wondering, this is the type of email that I kept starred in my inbox