For the last two years, I’ve done a thing that I highly recommend: I’ve chosen a word of the year. I got the idea from a book, and I’ve had great success working hard to make sure my word directs and defines me in my year in question. I’m now such a fan that I’ll shout it on mountaintops:

Each and every year you should choose a word to represent the year you have in front of you.

I recommend doing this before you set set your annual goals.

Pick one word that word that imbues the type of year you wish to have, and a word that can serve as a guidepost for what you want in the year to come. One simple word that will help you decide between X and Y, and help you remember what’s important when you find yourself in an endless loop of Facebook/Twitter/Email checking you can’t get out of.

Depending on the type of year you’re going for, some examples might be:

Rest (my 2013 word)

Renew (my 2014 word)






You get the picture.

One word that means everything you hope to achieve and catalyze and crystalize and create and live and breathe. One word. For one special year (via clement). I’ll be sharing mine soon. (Hint: it’s actually not ONE word this year. But more on that later.;)

Do you have a word for 2015? Can you create one for what you want 2013 to be?