by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | May 25, 2011 | How To, Social Media, T.W.E.E.T. Framework, Twitter, Twitter for Good
Do you want to learn how to use Twitter? Pick up Twitter for Good and learn to excel on Twitter in 5 steps. Or, register for my Twitter for Good video course. See details here, or click below to register with a donation to charity. Register: Want to Sign Up? Want an...
by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | May 13, 2011 | How To, marketing, Social Media
When the indomitable Sammy sent me his latest video masterpiece this week, I laughed. Hard. On the surface, “ghostbusters music video” (capital letters lacking) has all the trappings of pure, adolescent boy dancing genius. Terrible, unsynchronized moves?...
by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | Apr 22, 2011 | Books, Disaster Management, Social Media, Twitter
Earlier this week, I read Quakebook. To be more precise, I read it in one sitting. And I think you will, too. Otherwise known by the book’s official title, 2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake, the book is a Twitter-sourced effort led by Our Man...
by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | Apr 9, 2011 | Facebook, Social Media, Uncategorized
It all started when my friend Deanna did it. Since I take cues from others, I thought about it long and hard. Was making a public page for myself on Facebook a bizarrely egotistical thing to do, or a smart professional decision? Once I decided on the latter, the big...
by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | Mar 20, 2011 | marketing, Social Media, Twitter
I could care less about cars. In fact, I have such a lack of interest in cars that I can’t even recognize my own husband’s car in a line-up. In a pinch – like, say, when I’m in a parking garage looking for it, I have to go by the license plate....
by Claire Diaz-Ortiz | Mar 11, 2011 | Disaster Management, Social Media, Twitter
The most powerful earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history has created a powerful tsunami and mass destruction. Hundreds are dead, many more are missing, and evacuations are taking place throughout the Pacific to prevent future tsunami damage. At Twitter,...