So I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I do not believe this is how you make a tea commercial.

First, watch:



Now, listen.

This video comes from my dear friend @amalia, who emailed me this marketing nugget of gold. That provoked a scintillating double-digit long long chain, which I have condensed below.

@amalia: “This is a really weird commercial.”

@claired: “Where did you find this?”

@amalia: “Ad on Yahoo.” (Yes, she still uses yahoo. And no, don’t get me started.)

@claired: “I mean the whole time I’m like I DONT GET IT IS SHE ROWING IN TEA? Until the end and she drinks. Uh. Huh?”

@amalia: “Its like drink tea and you’ll stop being depressed.”

@claired: “Because rowing in a boat is depressing?”

Hats off to tea. And boats. And depression.

If you have been able to decipher the message in this (a message beyond “I will keep watching this ad if only to see what it is about”), pray tell.