It’s cold in Argentina and I have a giant decaf coffee next to me in Starbucks post-carpool as I type about a sticky thing that has been hurting my head and soul for most of 2018. That thing? Forward momentum. If I’m being totally honest (and I am), forward momentum is something I have been really sucky at this year.

There are a lot of reasons for this, and if I get talking fast (cue decaf) I can convince you of a host of reasons I’m not making progress in areas I want to make progress in my life. Too many small children! It’s winter! Construction on my new dream tiny office hasn’t started! My bed is so comfy! I was traveling! (Cue all the things.)

But, as my wise friend in my business mastermind group said yesterday, You just have to GET OUT OF THE MUCK. BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME. (Mel Jouwan for President!)

This pep talk, combined with recent tough love from similar wise women, is fueling a fire. Let me be clear, it’s not some overwhelming ROLL ‘EM DOWN fire, but it’s a spark. A something. A thing burning in me saying it’s time to start doing the thing.

And it turns out, I’m not the only one. On the season finale of Billions this week, performance coach to the gods Wendy tells morally corrupt young Taylor, “Forward momentum is the most important thing for you.”

So there’s that.

If you need some forward momentum with a little tough love and a little straight up love thrown in, here are some of my favorite resources this week:

Got some forward movement motivation to spread along? Let me know here what you’ve read, listened to, or watched that has helped.