Craig Newmark Thinks He’s Lady Gaga

I told you I’d be heading back to the Social Media for Nonprofits Conference, and I didn’t lie. Last Friday in San Francisco I had the pleasure to share the stage in a moderated fireside chat with Craigslist’s own Craig Newmark. Craig was a huge...

Religious Hashtags on Twitter?

While in Nashville this week, I learned this trick from @jonacuff, master of all the things. The trick (in case you were confused) is called “write a tweet on a scrap of paper and then take a picture of the scrap of paper and then tweet the picture.”...

Why I Hate Google +/Google Plus

Firstly, it bothers me to no end that when I write about Google Plus I have to write both “Google +” and “Google Plus” because of fear/confusion/misunderstanding about what the kids are calling it these days. But, I digress. The #1 main reason...